Updated Look for Disc Drop

The Disc Drop gadget has been overhauled. I updated the code to actionscript 3 and in the process made it a little more pleasing to the eye. I also made it so that you can modify the colors. Here’s the link to the customization page: www.abowman.com/google-modules/disc-drop/?edit=true

February 15, 2008 · abowman

Customization Pages for the Stingray and Clock

Here are the customization pages for the Stingray and the Pendulum Clock gadgets. www.abowman.com/google-modules/stingray?edit=true www.abowman.com/google-modules/pendulum-clock?edit=true

January 30, 2008 · abowman

Create Custom Designs for iGoogle

This is some great news for you web designers out there. You can now create your own themes for iGoogle and submit them to the theme directory for others to enjoy! You can even create dynamic themes that change according to the time of day. Here are some links to help get you started. Theme Directory Developer Guide Submit a Theme Themes API Group

January 16, 2008 · abowman

A Couple Bug Fixes

Fixed the size option for the Spider on iGoogle and Google Desktop. Fixed a problem that caused the Turtle gadget not to render in some browser.

January 16, 2008 · abowman

Got the Latest Google Desktop?

I’ve been reading through a lot of the comments this morning and noticed that some people don’t have access to all the options for their gadgets. Google has fixed that problem by adding a scrollbar to the options page for universal gadgets. Another problem that people have reported is that they see a 10-15px white border around the gadgets of Google Desktop. You should update or install the latest version of Google Desktop to fix these problems....

December 17, 2007 · abowman